RESULTS: MEME Contest. It was unreal to choose only TOP-20 MEMEs, because all you guys are awesome. Thanks for your activity.

05 May 2021, 14:04
RESULTS: MEME Contest! It was unreal to choose only TOP-20 MEMEs, because all you guys are awesome! Thanks for your activity! Here are the TOP-20 WINNERS: HerrKhan CryptoGayz KioKiosha Rezip6 hotsince92 totalsour jmendes_0 mesho19849745 arhperez2 crypto_sharma JimmySm20646412 lalaof10 Thomasdreiser JDSilva01 Davidcrypto456 DipinGarg10 mar_koliser Hoori_sheikh Napro4V khankyes P.S.: one more community member will get the prize, as he added 14 memes, but his Twitter account was suspended. by @OneMillionNFTs